Saturday, September 14, 2024

Debbie will show us how she created this beautiful layout using the September limited edition kit


p style="text-align: center;"> Hi everyone!  Debbie Burns here with you today sharing a step by step photo tutorial of a layout created with the September Limited Kit.  Absolutely love the gorgeous 49 and Market Summer Porch Collection. The contents of the kit guide me in the creating process, and a photo I found on Pexels took center stage and blended perfectly with the kit contents.

Step 1:

I used the Pomp & Pageantry paper for the background.  I apologize for the lighter background.  Blue can be tricky to photograph.  I framed the photo with a frame from the By Land Laser Cuts and added the red piece from the Ephemera Bits.

Step 2:

Add flowers from the By Land Laser Cuts.

Step 3:

Add flowers from the kit.  I dabbed the flowers with some white paint.

Step 4:

Add more elements from the By Land Laser Cuts.

Step 5:

Finishing off the layout with some white paint splatters.

I hope I've inspired you!

I really enjoyed working with this kit!

Thanks for stopping by!

. . . Debbie

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