Thursday, February 20, 2014

How to Make a Textured Photo Frame for your Layout by Yuko Tanaka

My Creative Scrapbook design team member Yuko Tanaka is up today with a tutorial featuring our February Limited Edition Kit!

Here's Yuko:


1.Apply thick modeling paste to cardstock that was cut in the shape of a frame.

2.Before it dries, make lines with a toothpick to create texture.

3.I did this to the whole frame.

4.Cut the four corners.

5.Go down the edge with a finger.

6.Connect the curved corners...and attach to page with foam squares.


Be sure to take a look at Yuko's beautiful work in our Design Team Gallery!

We invite you to join us and experience the possibilities that our coordinated monthly kits offer. To purchase a kit, please visit our website, here.


  1. Great tutorial I really like tis idea and will try it out! Thanks

  2. Great idea, thank you for this wonderful tutorial
