Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How to Add a Sparkly Wintery Effect to Layouts by Nicole Doiron

My Creative Scrapbook design team member Nicole Doiron is up today with a beautiful wintery tutorial featuring our January Main Kit!

Here's Nicole:


As you all know by now, the January Main kit is the perfect Winter kit and along with Winter comes a lot of sparkly glittery white stuff called snow!  I will show you today how I added all that wintery goodness to my layout Little Winter Baby.

I started off with Stampin' Glitter (you can use any brand glitter you own) and a glitter tray.

I poured all my glitter in the tray.  No worries, the glitter tray makes it very easy to pour the leftover glitter back into its original container.   If you don't have a glitter tray, you can use a sheet of paper with a fold in the middle and when you're ready, fold the paper and let the glitter slide along the fold right into the bottle.

Then, using glue, I covered all areas of my paper strips that I wanted covered with sparkle, in this case, the edges of my torn paper.

I gently dabbed the glued edges in the glitter.

My first reaction was 'Oh no! The glue is not transparent!', but it turned out quite well since it matches the light yellowish color of my background paper and flowers.

I glittered the other edge...

And this one...

And the petal tips of this flower...

And this one.

You could say I went crazy on the glitter!  hehe

I just then to let all my pieces dry before I was able to stuck them down on my layout.

And that is how you make a page ***SPARKLE***


Be sure to take a look at Nicole's beautiful work in our Design Team Gallery!

We invite you to join us and experience the possibilities that our coordinated monthly kits offer. To purchase a kit, please visit our website, here.